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Russell Brand’s Story – Transformation Through Yoga

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Urban Yogi’s host Eddie Stern interviews comedian and actor Russell Brand about his transformation through yoga.* Brand discusses how yoga helps him deal with his sex and substance addiction, and how yoga has changed the tempo of his life.

URBAN YOGIS is a unique documentary series featuring stories on the transformative power of yoga and meditation. Inspiring and heartfelt – the series delves into the lives of cancer survivors, inner-city youth dealing with violence in their communities, recovering addicts, artists, youth in detention facilities, and more. Comedian Russell Brand, Grammy-nominated musician Moby, « yogi » businessman Russell Simmons, and author/doctor Deepak Chopra also share their stories and insights. Renowned yoga teacher Eddie Stern serves as our host and guide to the stories of these urban yogis.

THE CHOPRA WELL is dedicated to inspiring, fun, and thought-provoking videos about healthy living, wellness, and spirituality. We are anchored by doctor and author Deepak Chopra, as well as family & friends, who aim to provide you with tools for personal and social transformation. We deal with some « serious » topics and themes here, but we definitely don’t take ourselves too seriously. We encourage you to watch a few videos, engage with us and fellow viewers by sharing comments, and subscribing to show your support for our channel. We have several new videos every week, so come back soon! Click here to subscribe: http://bit.ly/M5z254


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